

Why Adult Smokers Switch from Cigarettes to Vapes

Find out why some adult smokers switch from cigarettes to vapes, and what other smoke-free products offer.

Vaping 17/11/2023

What Are the Different Types of Vape Coils?

When it comes to wick and coil devices, the internal coil is usually an important part that should not be overlooked. There are various types of vape coils according to the manufacturer and brand, and each type often has a different impact on a vaping experience.

Vaping 10/11/2023

How Long Do Vape Coils Last?

Discover how long coils in vapes last, when to change them and alternative device options. Ensure your coil doesn’t cause your vape to taste burnt.

Vaping 08/11/2023

Vaping and Heated Tobacco Products’ Smell vs Cigarettes

Discover the differences between vaping smell and heated tobacco smell, versus the smell produced by cigarettes.

Vaping 30/06/2023

Can You Vape on a Plane?

Many airlines across the world prohibit vaping, which, in some cases fall under the same set of rules as smoking cigarettes. For a legal age adult (18+) smoker or vaper who travels - whether frequently or just occassionally- it’s important to know where and when you can use your vape device.

Vaping 19/06/2023

Vaping vs Smoking

Unlike cigarettes, which require combustion for the tobacco to burn and smoke to be produced, vapes make use of an e-liquid solution, generally containing nicotine (which can be natural or synthetic/man-made) and flavorings, and the process of vaporization to produce vapor instead of smoke.

Vaping 22/05/2023

E-Cigarettes vs Vapes

Find out about the differences between E-Cigarettes vs Vapes, including how these devices work.

Vaping 15/05/2023

Vape Wattage - All You Need to Know / Vape Wattage Chart

Learning about wattage can boost your vaping experience - whether you’re a vaper of legal age (18 years and above) or an adult smoker who's looking to switch to an alternative to smoking. With this handy vape wattage guide we’ll help you find the best wattage to vape at.

Vaping 13/02/2023

What is The VG / PG Ratio in Vapes?

E-liquids are an important part of your vaping experience, but you could well be confused by the mention of VG and PG - what do these terms mean? This article will explore both ingredients, with an insight into the VG / PG ratio - what it means and how it affects your vaping experience.

Vaping 29/12/2022

Does Vaping Set off Fire and Smoke Alarms?

Naturally, those who use vapes may encounter some concerns when it comes to using their device. As an adult who vapes, you might have questions about some of these, such as do vapes set off fire alarms?

Vaping 22/12/2022

Is Vaping in Public Legal?

If you’re an e-cigarette user or an adult smoker looking for a change, you might wonder about vaping in public. In this helpful guide, we’ll cover where you can vape with an e-cigarette or use a heated tobacco product.

Vaping 16/12/2022

What is a Temperature Controlled Vape

Learn about temperature control vaping, with the benefits and downsides to a temperature controlled vape.

Vaping 12/12/2022

Vape Popping and Crackling Sounds: Is It a Problem?

Crackling and popping sounds in vapes can be interpreted as a sign that the device is broken, but is this always the case? Sometimes, vape crackling and popping sounds can be a sign of a problem.

Vaping 28/11/2022

What is e-liquid?

E-liquid is an essential part of the vaping experience. Now that more e-liquids are available on the market for adult vapers to choose from, it can be a complex consideration for e-cigarette adult users. You should always check that the e-liquid you choose is made by legitimate manufacturers so that it adheres to safety standards. Pairing the e-liquid with your e-cigarette device is crucial for having an optimal vaping experience.

Vaping 31/08/2022

Vape as Smoking Alternative

The decision to stop smoking isn’t always easy, and in many cases, smokers may make multiple attempts to stop before they’re able to do so. Although stopping smoking is always the best choice, some smokers who are unable to stop may choose to switch to alternatives to smoking instead. We’ve put together a guide on how to switch from vaping vs smoking, while also covering some of the effects of switching to vaping.

Vaping 31/08/2022

Alternatives to smoking cigarettes: Vaping and more

The risks associated with continuing to smoke cigarettes are well-known. While quitting tobacco and nicotine use is the best choice any smoker can make, many smokers struggle to quit. For these smokers who can't quit or choose not to, there are alternatives to smoking out there which are a much better choice than continuing to smoke. Read more to find out about different alternatives to smoking, including vaping and more.

Vaping 29/06/2022

What is the difference between vaping and cigarette smoking?

With so many alternatives to continued smoking on the market today, adult smokers are likely to have heard of vaping and e-cigarettes. Questions that many adult smokers may have include, "what is the difference between vaping and smoking cigarettes," and "is vaping risk-free?"

Vaping 25/03/2022

What are the Vape Kits for adult smokers?

For adults who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products, vaping is a smoke-free alternative. Vaping is a different experience from smoking cigarettes. Cigarettes produce smoke because they burn tobacco, but with vapes, the vapor is produced because the e-liquid evaporates when it is heated. Vape kits may make it easier for those adults who want to switch from smoking to vaping. Usually, the kits’ bundle contains all the equipment that you would need when switching from smoking to vaping.

Vaping 23/03/2022

Heated Tobacco vs Vaping Which Is Right for You

We break down the differences between the heated tobacco vs vaping to help you decide which one is right for you.

Vaping 03/12/2021

The Importance of Temperature Control

Temperature control vaping is a method that allows the user to set the maximum temperature the coil is allowed to reach.

Vaping 04/11/2021

The Difference Between Vaping and Smoking

Vaping has been gaining popularity as an alternative to smoking throughout the years. But what is the difference between the two?

Vaping 01/11/2021

How to Vape - A Beginner’s Guide for Adult Smokers

These days, adults who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products have many different products to choose from. The best choice for all smokers is to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether. But for those who don’t, there are smoke-free alternatives to cigarettes emerging on the market.
