How to Use IQOS Devices with TEREA™ Tobacco Sticks


IQOS ILUMA™ is designed to be used only with TEREA™ tobacco sticks. Do not use IQOS ILUMA™ and TEREA™ tobacco sticks with previous generation IQOS devices, this may cause damage to your device. Check out the guide on how to use TEREA™ tobacco sticks with IQOS ILUMA below:

1. Prepare your IQOS device

Ensure that your IQOS device is in good condition and has sufficient battery. Also check that the device has been properly cleaned for best results.

2. Open the TEREA™ Packaging

Open the TEREA™ packaging carefully. Make sure not to damage the tobacco stick during the opening process.

3. Insert the TEREA™ Tobacco Sticks into the Holder

Place the Terea tobacco stick into the IQOS device holder with the end fitted with the filter facing downwards.

4. Power on the IQOS Device

Turn on the IQOS device by pressing the power button or following the instructions for use on the specific device model.

5. Wait for the Heating Process

Once the IQOS device is on, wait for the heating process of the tobacco sticks to complete. This usually takes a few seconds until the device is ready to use.

6. Enjoy the Sensation of Smokeless Tobacco

Once the heating is complete, you are ready to enjoy your TEREA™ smokeless tobacco sticks. Inhale slowly through the filter, and enjoy the authentic tobacco sensation.

7. Dispose of Tobacco Sticks After Use

When you're done, be sure to dispose of your tobacco sticks properly.

By following these steps, you can easily enjoy TEREA™ tobacco sticks with IQOS devices. Choose your preferred flavor of TEREA™ tobacco sticks here. Be sure to always follow the usage instructions in the device manual and replace tobacco sticks after appropriate use. See important information.

This product is not risk-free and provides nicotine, which is addictive. Only for use by adults (18+).