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Program Support Conversion support

We know trying something new can be a challenge, but we’re here to make switching to  IQOS easy and enjoyable. When you choose IQOS, you’ll get your own personal coach – they’ll be by your side to get you started with your IQOS device and answer your questions via phone, email, instant messaging or video – whatever you prefer. It’s completely free.  

From deciding which type of HEETS tobacco sticks suits your taste preferences best to explaining how to clean your IQOS device, to sharing tips whenever you need them, our highly trained IQOS Coaches accompany and motivate you at every step of your journey.

Get in touch with our Customer Support or ask in your nearest IQOS store.
To join, you must be a legal-age smoker who would like to continue enjoying tobacco products and switch from cigarettes to IQOS. That’s it!